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Getting to know the M-41 (7)
2014-07-14, 10:48 PM

131.3 Actual Delivery
131.31 Do not deviate from your route for meals or other purposes unless authorized
by your manager or if local policies concerning handling out of sequence mail
permit minor deviations.
131.32 Enter premises for official duty only — except for authorized lunch periods.
131.33 Unless otherwise instructed by a unit manager, deliver all mail distributed to
your route prior to the leaving time for that trip and complete delivery within
scheduled time. It is your responsibility to inform management when this
cannot be done.
131.34 Exhibit mail to the addressee only. Delivery may be made to a customer on
the street if it does not delay the carrier unreasonably.
131.35 Deliver mail according to the instructions or known desire of the addressee.
Otherwise, deliver as addressed if the addressee has not moved. Make
inquiry, if necessary, and return the mail to the post office if still in doubt.
131.36 Deliver First-Class Mail undeliverable as addressed when you know the
customer’s correct address on your route — unless other delivery instructions
are specified on the piece of mail.

131.37 Where an unaddressed merchandise sample received for delivery with
address card is too large for a customer’s mailbox, leave it outside of the box
provided adequate protection is afforded:
a. In case of a sample too large for delivery into approved apartment
house receptacle, deposit in rack underneath the boxes or on a nearby
table or other location provided by building management.
b. If outside mailbox delivery is made, use a rubber band to hold sample
and address card together.
c. Whenever delivery is not accomplished, complete and leave Form
3849, Delivery Notice/Reminder/Receipt, and return sample and card to
delivery unit.
131.38 Arrange with business firms to make delivery at or near the front door. Do not
accept keys to private buildings and offices, except as provided in part A.1.3
of Publication 17, Apartment House Mail Receptacles, Regulations, and
131.39 Make deliveries to all floors of office and business buildings if there is an
elevator and if the offices are open to receive the mail or if a door slot is
a. If there is no elevator, make deliveries to the first floor; make deliveries
to the second floor if it is occupied primarily by business offices and if
the service is requested.
b. Do not withdraw service previously inaugurated in order to comply with
these instructions. For VIM installations, follow local instructions

Category: My files | Added by: President
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